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Whispers About Me

"It's nice to work with Jennifer V whenever I can because she's just brilliant. The crazy part about Jenn is that she's quick and efficient, which is a rare life quality...Everybody can't be Jennifer. Don't even try. You'll hurt yourself. "

KENNY GORDON, freelance comic book artist , 9/11/2012

"This really give you a claustrophobic sense of terror and you build suspense well."

RUDY VASQUEZ, professional comic book artist for Carnival Comics , 12/17/2009

"You are so very professional that I honestly couldn't tell from your interview whether or not you cared for my work... I'm thrilled to be part of [Womanthology] and so enjoying meeting all of the other women involved."

DEVIN GRAYSON , professional comic book writer for DC Comics, 07/16/2011

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